
In this set of notes we will illustrate the power (and limitations) of basic Monte Carlo (MC) methods.

Properties of the OLS estimator

Suppose we observe \(n\) pair of points \((x_i,y_i)\) and would like to study the behavior of the ordinary least square (OLS) estimator of \(\beta\) in a simple (through the origin) linear and Gaussian regression: \[ y_i = \beta x_i + \epsilon_i \qquad \epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2), \] where \(cov(\epsilon_i,\epsilon_j)=0\) for all \(i \neq j\) and known \(\sigma^2\). The OLS estimator \(\beta\) is \[ {\hat \beta}_{ols} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i y_i}{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2}. \] You have learned, in your elementary statistics and elementary econometrics courses, that the sampling distribution of \({\hat \beta}_{ols}\) is Gaussian with mean \(\beta\). Here is one example:

n     = 100
beta  = 1
sig   = 0.25
x     = runif(n)
error = rnorm(n,0,sig) 
y     = beta*x+error

fit = lm(y~x-1)
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x - 1)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.52471 -0.14866  0.02009  0.19172  0.58672 
## Coefficients:
##   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## x  0.97986    0.04414    22.2   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.2335 on 99 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8327, Adjusted R-squared:  0.831 
## F-statistic: 492.7 on 1 and 99 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Let us replicate the exercise

Now, let us replicate the above simulation exercise and see the actual behavior of \({\hat \beta}_{ols}\). This is what we commonly call a Monte Carlo exercise.

R   = 1000
ols = rep(0,R)
for (rep in 1:R){
  x        = runif(n)
  error    = rnorm(n,0,sig) 
  y        = beta*x+error
  ols[rep] = lm(y~x-1)$coef
hist(ols,prob=TRUE,xlab="OLS estimate",ylab="Density",main="")

Let us now get a bit more serious!

Now, let us transform the above exercise into a function of the sample size \(n\), the replication size \(R\), the true value of \(\beta\) and the value of \(\sigma\). The simulated errors \(\{\epsilon_1,\ldots,\epsilon_n\}\) are either standard Gaussian or Student’s \(t\) with 5 degrees of freedom.

sim.ols = function(n,R,beta,sig,L,U,errortype){
  ols = rep(0,R)
  for (r in 1:R){
    if (errortype==1){
      error = sig*rnorm(n) 
    if (errortype==2){
      error = sig*rt(n,df=5) 
    x      = runif(n)
    y      = beta*x+error
    ols[r] = lm(y~x-1)$coef
  hist(ols,prob=TRUE,xlab="OLS estimate",ylab="Density",main="",xlim=c(L,U))
  if (errortype==1){
    legend("topleft",legend="Gaussian error",bty="n")
  if (errortype==2){
    legend("topleft",legend="Student's t error",bty="n")

Look how compact and clean (and easy to debug!) is the stripc that loops through \(n \in \{20,100\}\) and \(\sigma \in \{0.25,0.5\}\).

R    = 1000
beta = 1
for (n in c(20,100))
for (sig in c(0.25,0.5)){
  sim = sim.ols(n,R,beta,sig,0,2,1)
  sim = sim.ols(n,R,beta,sig,0,2,2)

MC also helps revealing weaknesses of OLS

In the following Monte Carlo exercise, we add a second variable, \(Z\), in the regression model, but do not include it in the regression estimation. This is commonly known as a omitted variable problem.

sim.ols = function(n,R,beta,sig,L,U,errortype){
  ols = rep(0,R)
  for (r in 1:R){
    if (errortype==1){
      error = sig*rnorm(n) 
    if (errortype==2){
      error = sig*rt(n,df=5) 
    x      = runif(n)
    z      = runif(n)
    y      = beta*x + 0.1*z + error
    ols[r] = lm(y~x-1)$coef
  hist(ols,prob=TRUE,xlab="OLS estimate",ylab="Density",main="",xlim=c(L,U))
  if (errortype==1){
    legend("topleft",legend="Gaussian error",bty="n")
  if (errortype==2){
    legend("topleft",legend="Student's t error",bty="n")

Let us run it and see the anomaly.

R    = 1000
beta = 1
for (n in c(20,100))
for (sig in c(0.25,0.5)){
  sim = sim.ols(n,R,beta,sig,0,2,1)
  sim = sim.ols(n,R,beta,sig,0,2,2)

Monte Carlo Integration (MCI)

MCI is a powerful tool to approximate integrals, such as following ones. First, let \(X \sim t_5(0,1)\) and \(Y \sim N(0,1)\). We want to compute: \[\begin{eqnarray*} Pr(X>3) &=& \int_{3}^{\infty} f_t(x)dx\\ E(X^2) &=& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x^2 f_t(x)dx\\ P(Y>3) &=& \int_{3}^{\infty} f_n(y)dy\\ E(Y^2) &=& \int_{3}^{\infty} y^2 f_n(y)dy \end{eqnarray*}\]

The exact values are \(0.01504962\), \(0.001349898\), \(5/3\) and \(1\).

exact = c(1-pt(3,df=5),1-pnorm(3),5/(5-2),1)
M0 = 100
M  = 10000
ind = M0:M
draw.x = rt(M,df=5)
draw.y = rnorm(M)
I1.x = cumsum(draw.x>3)/(1:M)
I1.y = cumsum(draw.y>3)/(1:M)
I2.x = cumsum(draw.x^2)/(1:M)
I2.y = cumsum(draw.y^2)/(1:M)
MC.approx = cbind(I1.x,I1.y,I2.x,I2.y)

ts.plot(MC.approx[ind,1],xlab="Monte Carlo sample",ylab="Estimate")
title("X ~ t_5(0,1) - Pr(X>3)")
ts.plot(MC.approx[ind,2],xlab="Monte Carlo sample",ylab="Estimate")
title("Y ~ N(0,1)   - Pr(Y>3)")
ts.plot(MC.approx[ind,3],xlab="Monte Carlo sample",ylab="Estimate")
title("X ~ t_5(0,1) - E(X^2)")
ts.plot(MC.approx[ind,4],xlab="Monte Carlo sample",ylab="Estimate")
title("Y ~ N(0,1)   - E(Y^2)")

Reducing MCI error

Since \(X \sim t_5(0,1)\) is symmetric, we can use the identity: \[ I_1 = Pr(X>3) = \frac{Pr(X>3)+Pr(X<-3)}{2} = I_2. \] Therefore we could use MCI to approximate \(I_1\) or \(I_2\).

exact = 1-pt(3,df=5)
M0  = 100
M   = 10000
ind = M0:M
xd  = rt(M,df=5)
MC1 = cumsum(xd>3)/(1:M)
MC2 = cumsum((xd>3)|(xd<(-3)))/(1:M)/2

ts.plot(MC1[ind],xlab="Monte Carlo sample",ylab="Estimate of Pr(X>3)",ylim=range(MC1[ind],MC2[ind]))
title("X ~ t_5(0,1)")

MC = array(0,c(2,100,M))
for (i in 1:100){
  xd  = rt(M,df=5)
  MC[1,i,] = cumsum(xd>3)/(1:M)
  MC[2,i,] = cumsum((xd>3)|(xd<(-3)))/(1:M)/2
SD1 = sqrt(apply(MC[1,,ind],2,var))
SD2 = sqrt(apply(MC[2,,ind],2,var))

ts.plot(MC[1,1,ind],xlab="Monte Carlo sample",ylab="Estimate of Pr(X>3)",ylim=range(MC[,,ind]))
for (i in 2:100)
ts.plot(MC[2,1,ind],xlab="Monte Carlo sample",ylab="Estimate of Pr(X>3)",ylim=range(MC[,,ind]))
for (i in 2:100)

ts.plot(SD1,ylim=range(SD1,SD2),ylab="MC standard deviation",xlab="Monte Carlo sample")
ts.plot(SD2/SD1,ylab="Standard deviation ratio",xlab="Monte Carlo sample")

Another example of an important integral

The Kullback–Leibler divergence, or relative entropy, is a measure of how one probability distribution is different from a second, reference probability distribution. \[ KL(p|q) = \int p(x) \log (p(x)/q(x)) dx = E_p(\log(p/q)) = E_p(\log p)-E_p(\log q) \]

Comparing Gaussian and Student’s \(t\) distributions

M     = 100000
x     = rnorm(M)
nus   = 1:30
kl.pq = rep(0,length(nus))
kl.qp = rep(0,length(nus))
for (nu in nus){
  y = rt(M,df=nu)
  kl.pq[nu] = mean(log(dnorm(x)/dt(x,df=nu)))
  kl.qp[nu] = mean(log(dt(x,df=nu)/dnorm(x)))
plot(nus,kl.pq,xlab="Degrees of freedom",ylab="Divergence",main="KL(normal|student's t)")
plot(nus,kl.qp,xlab="Degrees of freedom",ylab="Divergence",main="KL(student's t|normal)")

Back to the two physicists

Let us go back to the example of the two physicists.
Assume that p is the posterior of physicist A and that q is the posterior of physicist B. We also extend the example to accommodate n>=1 measurements from a true distribution \(N(\theta_0,\sigma^2)\).

# Physicist A
m.A  = 900
sd.A = 20

# Physicits B
m.B  = 800
sd.B = 80

# Model & data
theta0 = 850
sd.X   = 40
n      = 30
x      = rnorm(n,theta0,sd.X)
n      = length(x)

# Posterior Physicist A
pi.A   = sd.X^2/(1:n)/(sd.X^2/(1:n)+sd.A^2)
mean.A = pi.A*m.A + (1-pi.A)*cumsum(x)/(1:n)
var.A  = pi.A*sd.A^2

# Posterior Physicist B
pi.B   = sd.X^2/(1:n)/(sd.X^2/(1:n)+sd.B^2)
mean.B = pi.B*m.B + (1-pi.B)*cumsum(x)/(1:n)
var.B  = pi.B*sd.B^2

mean.A = c(m.A,mean.A)
mean.B = c(m.B,mean.B)
var.A  = c(sd.A^2,var.A)
var.B  = c(sd.B^2,var.B)

##         mean.A   mean.B
##  [1,] 900.0000 800.0000
##  [2,] 880.3435 801.3739
##  [3,] 877.1358 827.9176
##  [4,] 879.4560 848.0591
##  [5,] 864.0455 826.4387
##  [6,] 864.3921 834.1961
##  [7,] 864.9772 839.9634
##  [8,] 861.5256 838.1768
##  [9,] 858.7431 836.9596
## [10,] 856.3337 835.9285
## [11,] 853.3384 833.8280
## [12,] 851.8433 833.5688
## [13,] 849.2321 831.6501
## [14,] 847.4508 830.6916
## [15,] 847.7357 832.2275
## [16,] 849.8748 835.9096
## [17,] 849.6605 836.5053
## [18,] 848.7033 836.1026
## [19,] 847.1056 834.8670
## [20,] 845.7754 833.9135
## [21,] 849.9779 839.4799
## [22,] 850.1933 840.2274
## [23,] 849.4310 839.7845
## [24,] 848.7994 839.4659
## [25,] 849.4988 840.6584
## [26,] 848.5592 839.9294
## [27,] 846.6763 838.1063
## [28,] 847.5252 839.3864
## [29,] 846.3229 838.3127
## [30,] 846.4160 838.6916
## [31,] 845.4203 837.8278
##            [,1]      [,2]
##  [1,] 20.000000 80.000000
##  [2,] 17.888544 35.777088
##  [3,] 16.329932 26.666667
##  [4,] 15.118579 22.188008
##  [5,] 14.142136 19.402850
##  [6,] 13.333333 17.457431
##  [7,] 12.649111 16.000000
##  [8,] 12.060454 14.855627
##  [9,] 11.547005 13.926212
## [10,] 11.094004 13.151919
## [11,] 10.690450 12.493901
## [12,] 10.327956 11.925696
## [13,] 10.000000 11.428571
## [14,]  9.701425 10.988845
## [15,]  9.428090 10.596259
## [16,]  9.176629 10.242950
## [17,]  8.944272  9.922779
## [18,]  8.728716  9.630868
## [19,]  8.528029  9.363292
## [20,]  8.340577  9.116846
## [21,]  8.164966  8.888889
## [22,]  8.000000  8.677218
## [23,]  7.844645  8.479983
## [24,]  7.698004  8.295614
## [25,]  7.559289  8.122769
## [26,]  7.427814  7.960298
## [27,]  7.302967  7.807201
## [28,]  7.184212  7.662610
## [29,]  7.071068  7.525767
## [30,]  6.963106  7.396003
## [31,]  6.859943  7.272727

Let us compare the posterior distributions.

M  = 1000000
kl = rep(0,n+1)
for (i in 1:(n+1)){
  z = rnorm(M,mean.A[i],sqrt(var.A[i]))
  kl[i] = mean(dnorm(z,mean.A[i],sqrt(var.A[i]),log=TRUE))-

plot(0:n,var.B/var.A,xlab="Sample size",ylab="Variance ratio (Physicist B over A)")
plot(0:n,kl,xlab="Sample size",ylab="KL(post.A|post.B)")