Artigo 7: Artigo com repercussão internacional solidifica três décadas de pesquisa em Estatística Bayesiana. Por Leandro Steiw, 28/02/2024.
Artigo 6: Artigo propõe um modelo mais acurado de previsão da taxa de juros. Por Leandro Steiw, 15/10/2024.
Artigo 5: Um estatístico que desafiou todas as probabilidades. Perfil no InsperPúblicas edição 68. Por Ernesto Yoshida, 28/08/2024. English version
Artigo 4: Jovens não deixarão passar os abusos cometidos por gerações passadas. Folha de São Paulo. Políticas e Justiça, Editor Michael França, 14/07/2023.
Artigo 3: Como é a diversidade racial nas universidades dos Estados Unidos. Notícias Inpser. Por Leandro Steiw e Ernesto Yoshida, 27/02/2023.
Artigo 2: Uma distinção internacional para um brasileiro que escolheu ser Bayesiano. Notícias Insper. Por Leandro Steiw, 18/07/2022.
Artigo 1: Usos e abusos dos números. Valor Econômico. Com Tatiana Roque, 22/12/2017.
Entrevista 1: Desvendando a carreira de ciência de dados. 23/05/2019.
Slides 1: Mike & Brazilian Dynamic Modelers: A Success Story. StatSci Research Alumni Symposium, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University. 02/11/2024.
In 2022, during the World Bayesian Meeting in Montreal, I became ISBA fellow.
In 2020, I became an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute.
In September, 2013, I moved back to Brasil and joined Insper as Full Professor of Statistics and Econometrics. I am also the head of Data Science and Decision group.
In September, 2007, I became Associate Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
In September, 2003, I joined The University of Chicago Booth School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Econometrics and Statistics.
From 1996 to 2000 (2000 to 2004) I was an Assistant (Associate) Professor of Statistics at the Department of Statistical Methods (DME), which is part of the Institute of Mathematics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
In April, 2000, I obtained my PhD degree in Statistics and Decision Sciences from Duke University’s Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences (ISDS), which is located in Durham, North Carolina.
In November, 1994, I attained a in Statistics from UFRJ.
In September, 1991, I earned my bachelor’s degree in Statistics from UFRJ.
From February, 1991 to July, 1996, I was a Research Assistant of the Macroeconometric Modelling group at the Brazilian Institute of Applied Economics Research for several years. That period has had great influence in my applied research interests.