Simulating one AR(3) time series

We will simulated \(n\) observations from a Gaussian AR(3) process: \[ y_t = \phi_0 + \phi_1 y_{t-1} + \phi_2 y_{t-2} + \phi_3 y_{t-3} + \epsilon_t \qquad \epsilon_t \sim N(0,\sigma^2), \] where \(\phi_0=0\), \(\phi_1=0.3463\), \(\phi_2=0.1770\), \(\phi_3=-0.1421\) and \(\sigma=0.01\).

phi = c(0.3463,0.1770,-0.1421)
sig = 0.01
n = 500
r = rep(0,n)
for (t in 4:n)
  r[t] = sum(r[(t-1):(t-3)]*phi) + rnorm(1,0,sig)

plot(r,xlab="Time",ylab="Simulated data",type="b")
pacf(r,xlab="Lag",ylab="Partial ACF",main="")

Simulating \(N\) AR(3) time series

Let us now simulated \(N\) of such AR(3) time series of length \(n\).

N = 100
phi = c(0.3463,0.1770,-0.1421)
sig = 0.01
n = 500
ordermax = 10
r = rep(0,n)
r = matrix(0,n,N)
ar3coef = matrix(0,N,3)
aic = matrix(0,N,ordermax+1)
order = rep(0,N)
ind = 0:ordermax
for (i in 1:N){
  for (t in 4:n)
    r[t,i] = sum(r[(t-1):(t-3),i]*phi) + rnorm(1,0,sig)
    fit = ar(r[,i],order.max=3,aic="FALSE")
    ar3coef[i,] = fit$ar
    fit = ar(r[,i],order.max=ordermax)
    aic[i,] = fit$aic
    order[i] = ind[aic[i,]==min(aic[i,])]

We can now study the sampling behavior of the MLE estimates of \(\phi_i\), for \(i=1,2,3\).

plot(density(ar3coef[,1]),xlab=expression(phi[1]),ylab="Sampling density",main="")
plot(density(ar3coef[,2]),xlab=expression(phi[2]),ylab="Sampling density",main="")
plot(density(ar3coef[,3]),xlab=expression(phi[3]),ylab="Sampling density",main="")

As the above graphs show, the sampling behavior of the MLE estimators resamble a Gaussian distribution centered around the true parameters (unbiasedness).

We can also investigate the sampling behavior of the AIC.

for (i in 2:N)
plot(table(order)/N,xlab="Lag",ylab="Relative frequency")

As the above graphs reveal, the correct model, i.e. an AR(3) model, gives the lowest AIC, for about 70% of the simulated datasets.

Your turn

You can now try simulating and fitting other AR(3) models, for different AR coeffients, \(\phi\)s, different variances, \(\sigma^2\), different sample sizes, \(n\), and different number of replications, \(N\), to better understand the behavior of both MLE estimates of \(\phi\)s and the AIC.